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About us
CommunityService Day mobilies hundreds of volunteers of all ages and interests to complete project throughout Huntington Beach and Fountain Vailley that will have a lasting impact in the community The effort is organized by the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council and numerous corporations, companies and nonprofits. The 2024 Community Service Day will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024

Our Mission
Community Service Day fosters community stewardship and enhances the quality of life in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley by engaging our collective time, talents, and resources to unite our cities, identify and address community needs and foster a culture of volunteerism and giving.
Our Vision
Sponsor a single-day community service event that engages divers community members from all walks of life motivates volunteerism, increases civic pride, and inspires service with future generations. The event gathers and connects thousands of passionate volunteers to help with dozens of projects that make a positive lasting impact in the community.
Community Service Day
Committee Members
Jynene Johnson - Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
Christina Hernandez - Dance4Joy Minsteries
Alaina Pierce - Service Specialist
Pat Goodman - Self-Help Interfaith Program
Dave Garofalo - HB Local News
Sara Walk- Justserve admin
Marissa Jackson - Huntington Beach volunteer
Julie Moffet - Community Service Coordinator
Karen Hill - Interfaith Council
Natalie Moser - Local Volunteer
Hillary Green - Communications Council
Jason Lomheim - Justserve representative
Amber Baltzer - Relief Society President
Rachel Kirk - Service Counselor
Tamsyn Whiting - Service Coordinator
Charlie Niederman - Temple Beth David
Suzanne Morgan - Community United Methodist Church
Marsha Rechsteiner - Sts Simon and Jude
Don Garrick - OC Interfaith Network
Suzanne McGee - Fountain Valley volunteer
James Pike - Resurrection Lutheran
Karina Lee - Fountain Valle service coordinator
Heather Jennings- Local Service Coordinator
Kate Tanner - Fountain Valley High School Justserve Club President
Lucy Cory - Fountain Valley Resident
Gary Green - Welfare leader
Tad Baltzer - Real Estate Agent
Sandra Fantauzzi - Service leader
Kathy McGuire - Center for Spiritual Living
Kelly Frankiewicz - St Wilfrids' Episcopal Church
Kirsten Goode - Service leader
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